Santigo allows payment of outstanding amounts using a bank account

You can secure, facilitate, and optimise the collection of outstanding amounts payable by the patient from the moment of their pre-admission.

You can secure the collection of outstanding amounts payable by the patient from the moment of their pre-admission.

Santigo is perfectly designed to adapt to different patient pathways within a healthcare facility.
It represents an omnichannel solution that can be directly integrated into your patient management software or separately using SaaS mode.
Client case study
Payment problems for Outstanding Arrears
Outstanding arrears equate to 1.4 billion Euros of the 46.8 billion Euros of total services invoiced. One of the major challenges is recovering patient debts. The amount of unrecovered arrears is estimated to be around 550 million Euros per year (one year after the conclusion of the patient’s care). This figure only relates to public hospitals.
As part of the SIMPHONIE (Simplification of the Hospital Administrative Pathway and Digitisation of Information Exchange) DIAPASON (Resulting Debts After the Care Pathway) programme, and in order to improve and modernise the collection of outstanding debts to be borne by patients, the CAIH (Hospital IT Purchasing Centre) has launched a call for tenders. The purpose of this programme is to provide healthcare establishments with a payment solution, allowing them to automatically debit the patient’s outstanding balance as soon as the third-party invoice is billable.
This programme aims to simplify the patient’s hospital administrative journey and to optimise reception, invoicing, and collection chain performance for healthcare establishments (across all domains).
SSP solution
The SSP Santiago solution was chosen because it perfectly met the challenges and patient pathways experienced within a hospital environment.